All Digital Marketers and networking forums are propagating cold calling is dead. Is cold calling dead, that’s the hot topic we discuss in this blog.
Going as a substitute for a few of my friends to networking chapters is a newfound job for me.
Recently I went as a substitute; in fact, this is my second visit to the same networking club after about six months. I don’t see a much of difference… the same drill… the same pitch… the routine I was just waiting for my turn of introduction and then the breakfast (the hidden agenda) …
The MC shouted loud is cold calling dead, the crowd roared, Yes, and he said to welcome the new age referral marketing… the crowd applauded… then club members started introducing themselves…
One of my entrepreneurial friends had given his introduction speech, a well-crafted one with a loud voice, he made a request he is looking for references in this Company 1… in this Company 2…. Oh my God, the same request which I heard six months ago. I asked the person sitting next to me; I heard this request same six months ago what is he doing to gain these accounts.
During the break, I met my friend, asked him why you are persistent about the accounts, why don’t you change your request if you don’t get an entry… he said that’s my dream account… I want that Logos sir…
Fine then, what you have done about that… he said “I AM WAITING“
Waiting for what, I asked “he said my chapter friends will give me a reference “
I repeated, so what you have done about it, why don’t you call them, if it is your so-called dream account. I asked him with a bit of irritation.
He said we don’t make cold calls, that doesn’t work anymore
I asked, have you tested that anytime, have you done it for yourself?
No, he said
Who said the cold calling is dead, it worked, it’s working and in classical B2B setting that’s still one of the best weapons to penetrate a new account, it works even well as before only with few advancements with the social tools.
Finishing that story here.
The Biggest problems with Networking Chapters
The new age sellers and entrepreneurs lost the touch of making cold calls, most of them waking up their day in networking chapters hoping someone will help in their business. I may be blunt, might irritate someone, but I need to say this, it looks like we are overemphasizing the networking clubs.
Networking chapters may work for B2C and small-sized tickets, but if you are a B2B seller, or selling big-ticket items involving multiple decision points, cold calls or warm calls is the starting point and the most effective ways to gain new customers
If your business generates enough qualified leads, then it is fine. If not cold calling is the next best option.
I understand it shakes the ego of an entrepreneur, still,; it is worth failing rather than waiting for six months with networking friends who could not understand your business.
How to do cold calls
When I say cold calling doesn’t mean calling from a random list or just barging into a customer without a prior appointment, Things have changed, leveraging all the social media tools we can make it warm, bring that familiarity with your prospects, that’s our smartness ….but never abandon calling new customers …. I have seen plenty of successful companies in Chennai doing cold calling and bringing the dollar revenues.
Don’t get deluded by the examples of ICICI Bank cold calls that’s the job done at worst…that cannot be an example.
I am not alone here. Listen to my virtual Sales Guru and author of the bestseller Fanatical Prospecting –Jeb Blount says “Top salespeople are relentless prospectors because they know the alternative is a failure.
Mike Weinberg Says “They keep using that word (Dead). I don’t think it means what they think it means.”
I have my examples of how I acquired some of the large accounts by cold calling.
Still not convinced, let’s chat now about how to make the cold calls warm, book more meetings with our dream customers, and improve our pipeline.
Call me “I AM WAITING “
Also, please do share these posts widely with your business friends and salespeople.
Yours for Sales and Profits
Ramesh. P
Mobile: 9841052321