“What is the best day to conduct a sales meeting”:
Every Small & Medium Business (SMB ) owner I meet often ask this question “What is the best day to conduct a sales meeting” Friday evening or Monday morning?
Let’s delve into the analysis. I’ll share my recommendation based on handling SMB sales teams, same time I want to hear your views too, based on the success stories from your own best practices.
You see, sales reviews serve a purpose, From my experience and having had the privilege of participating in reviews with my consulting clients, sales reviews are used to gather the updates, raw truth, from salespeople, interrogate them, and get a complete grip on what is happening in their world to understand the business situation.
This kind of review only helps for business management purposes and to update the top management. There is nothing wrong with this; however, this kind of review is based on the fear of the manager losing control of the team.
But tell me, what’s in it for the individual the salesperson? Not much, I tell you! After a grueling session of negative reinforcement and mental exhaustion, the salesperson mind is far from receptive to any instructions.
If reviews are for the self-serving purposes of the manager, so what is the best time to conduct the sales review meeting?
Then ideally Friday evening is the best day. Grill them, ask your tough questions, and make them think.
Cardinal rules of the sales review :
Please understand, the cardinal rule of any meeting is when the participants depart they should feel energized and leave with confidence, coming back on Monday brimming with confidence.
As a sales manager, your job is not over yet. Conduct a Monday morning meeting and spend a few minutes
- Understanding their plans for the coming week
- What support is needed from the management
- Set the next action item, clear with follow-up
- Connect these points back to the Friday meeting and what was planned and executed is completed.
The cardinal rule of week beginning meeting is positive reinforcements, usually the sales manager doesn’t open their mouth; let the salespeople do the talking. Let that be their commitment. Sales expert like Jeb Blount advises to have a book reading or conduct a small 15 minutes training programs.
Now, let me be clear—I’m not particularly fond of firing down and firing up style, especially when the availability of salespeople is scarce and the millennial are not interested in grueling sessions. They just move on, looking for other opportunities.
Managers and business owners who directly manage their sales teams should conduct positive and structured conversations like a personal coach.
Alas if that’s not the case, if you cannot find time for coaching or not in the frame of mind to coach then hire an external sales coach who can guide the sales team.
My recommendation is only for SMB sales teams, where the situation is different. Also check my YouTube video on the best practices of conducting a sales review meeting
Still have questions on what is the best day to conduct sales meeting and how to conduct the sales meetings productively…
Come let’s talk, we are here to help
My suggestions will also be Friday evening and send the sales people with full charge