India is in the grip of an economic slowdown. Kids aren’t buying Rs 5 Parle biscuits, women’s aren’t buying Jewellery, and Men’s aren’t buying cars worth lakhs of rupees. Nor are they buying anything in between.
So do we, entrepreneurs need to step back and see what’s happening and take a cautious call, or do we freeze, that’s all your call.My intention is not to give you a motivational message. Perhaps, I am not a motivational speaker to inspire you.
However there are certain things, good to do in the slowdown times, If you have lived and done business in the slowdowns of 2002, 2008, 2012 and anything in-between, we all have seen the worst part of the slowdowns, we survived, we smiled and very few of us came unscratched.
If you want to know what the very few successful ones did to come out unscratched, here is the success recipe, Trust me 100 % on this, I am living proof, can show you many.
They did prospecting… Prospecting …Prospecting…
They met their customers, again and again,
Build the relationship, patiently waited for the days to come. An untold secret, lot of customers opened their purses silently; the sellers had the money in their pocket. Sales is an emotional game, lots of decision are based on emotions, if customers are convinced, they will buy; nothing could stop the emotions. Not even Slowdown or recession or any other name you call it.
So what’s the best thing to do in this slowdown?
- Go and meet all your customers, whom you are planning to meet for long time
- Ask meetings with your tough and dream clients, they cannot say they are too busy; no one blatantly lie right. This is the time to penetrate; your prospects are too under pressure looking for alternate vendors.
- Ask your Salespeople to schedule more new meetings, rather pressurizing them for numbers (If Ms.Seetharaman could not do much, where those poor guys alone can do ) ask them to prospect relentlessly, instead of bringing new stories daily on slowdowns, ask them to fill the pipeline.
While you were busy doing all of the above, tirelessly, note gain tirelessly, the curtain would have raised, there will be a dawn, momentum would have created partially because of you too. Customers are ready to give orders, waiting with the cheque and you will be in the top of list, do our customers think anyone else?
If you still have questions how to create the prospecting cycle, We love talking about that. Please do reach out to us.
If you love the message, express it with your partners and colleagues.