As a Sales Consultant, My job is, to tell the truth, how hard it may be, my sales guru Mike Weinberg often says, Sales Consultant job is to hold a big mirror in front of you. In front of your business.
Let me share a consistent problem with most of the small business if this article resonates something with you, it’s just a coincidence, please don’t get intimidated, this is a problem with more than 70 % of Small & Medium Business.
Let’s dive in …
We all know an age-old story, a father asked his two sons to go for elephant hunting,
They went,
The elder son returned empty-handed, the younger one returned with two rabbits in hand, but father appreciated the elder one, the moral of the story: AIM BIGGER,
In today’s scenario, our sales hunters are neither hunting Rabbits nor Elephants, they are returning empty-handed. Who would appreciate someone comes empty-handed and to the worst come back tired too.
And this is what happens to most of our Sales Hunters. I analyzed, where the problem is. I checked in, where they are hunting. My findings, most of them are aimless, roaming around, they shoot in the dark. Naturally, I don’t expect great results. This is what happens in most of the small and medium business, and as usual, the problem is always pointed on Salespeople
Mr.CEO let me tell you, it’s your fault, not the sales. Mr.CEO it’s your responsibility, you need to set the directions clear, you need to say where to hunt for the business. , whom to be targeted. How the salespeople fill their pipeline.
If you say to me this is how you have done and grown, you are correct, it had worked for you but not for an employee, here are the two reasons, why it won’t work for your salesperson
1. No one measured you and no one fired you. You had all the independence to grow your business; you are fluid to work on your ways. Employed salespeople cannot work in this way. (Answer: You need to set the directions clear )
2. In the heavily bombarded digital marketing era sales efforts need to be focused. Even if it is a cold call, the customer expects the seller to be prepared and know them beforehand.
Mr.CEO If you are doing anything important than setting the directions clear, and still blaming about salespeople. STOP, not for a moment for days at least. Set the directions clear, this is the first job to be done if at all you want predictable productivity from the sales team.
Bring the clarity to the sales team, clarify what is your sales strategy, what is your sales process, who is your target prospects. The directions and focus should be at the micro-level; else we are wasting the costly sales resources (at a fractional cost digital marketing could create that impact of what aimless salespeople are doing). But what properly armed salespeople can do he alone can do.
If you are aiming for next-level growth, this is the beginning point, if the directions are clear I will say the battle is half won.
Something strikes you, you think you need some help here, how to empower your sales hunters, please let me know, I love to do that.
Title Courtesy: My sales Guru Mike Weinberg https://mikeweinberg.com