Lockdown has been lifted, Businesses are back, The Power of Hope is the cornerstone of all achievements. Great leaders instill hope in their team.
This week I will not tell any crafted stories, I want to share with you a true story that inspired millions when the world was reeling under the Great depression
Come with me, I will take you on a journey in my time machine to witness the inspiring event. Put your hands on my shoulder.
Let’s start our journey to the United States
Year: 1930
The businesses are shut, millions have lost their jobs, their homes, their wives. Half of the banks shut permanently.
With no jobs, people are wandering on the roads, with no money most men went with an empty stomach.
The world needed a hero then
The nation needed something to believe in.
With really nothing to do, men were watching horseraces and football games
Come, let’s watch a horse race. In the racecourse, an undersized racehorse, not a thoroughbred in racecourse language, the lazy horse named Seabiscuit catches no one’s attention.
Having lost all its initial races, the Seabiscuit was banished from all the races and sold to a new owner
The new owner, a great leader of his own believed in the power of hope, he teamed with a trainer known for his unconventional methods of training and a jockey who commits his whole heart and soul, to this horse.
Under the new trainer & the jockey, Seabiscuit caught everyone’s attention, started winning races, proving the power of hope.
Like a second wave struck us
The Seabiscuit was injured and fractured its ligament in a race; everyone believed it won’t come again in the race circuit.
If horses are not for the courses, it will be gunshot mercilessly. To this date, that’s the practice.
But not the jockey, who believed in Seabiscuit and the love & affection towards his animal. He kept his hope alive.
The Seabiscuit was again in the race circuits, winning race after races, and went on to win the Grand Admiral a thoroughbred. The race was termed as the “The race of the century”.
The little horse inspired many to come out of the depression.
Businesses are back, the US started dominating the world again. Size doesn’t matter, what is needed a big heart
Have you got inspired?
Come, let us travel to the future. Along the way,
In 2000 we see dotcom bubble
A great recession in 2008
Seeing all, let’s travel to the future
The year 2040
The world is facing one more recession; we know that’s a part of any economic cycle.
Young business people are looking for inspiration.
We both are at a business summit
Crowds are thronging on you, the young age entrepreneurs are asking only one question
How did you successfully overcome the pandemic situation of 2020, when the businesses were shut for completely two years?
What’s the story we are going to tell the future generations?
Here is my story, I told them.
The power of Hope kept me alive in business.
I quoted the kids a poem “shared by Brain Tracy
“Stick to the fight when you are the hardest hit
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit “
What mattered is not the size, but the size of my heart
Great Leaders never lose hope; our hope was more contagious than the virus. I ended my story.
Now it’s your turn.
Write down in the comments section, what the future generations are going to hear from you, or just copy-paste a line which you like the most.
Is your business the Seabiscuit of 2020, are you the lovely Jockey, and am I the trainer with you on your successful journey?
Let the future generation know what you think now. Will You?
“hope was more contagious than the virus” – is true
Thank you Mr.Ramesh for being a great teacher and mentor and also motivating all of us even when we wanted to give up. Your encouraging words have helped us to grieve. You are a wonderful friend.
Knowing that you are there for us whenever we need to talk is a comfort.
Yes Dr.Thiagu ,Together we can
Excellent story,it instills big hope&confidence to overcome this tough situation. This too will pass with positive vibes
Yes sir this too will pass and we will have a bright future