It all begins… here
In Tamil, there is a proverb
“சட்டியில் இருந்தால் தானே அகப்பையில் வரும்”
Grossly translate this “if only you have food in the vessel then it will come in the scoop “
I don’t know where this fits but for sales, this fits exactly
When the industry demands 100 salespeople we have only 10 people coming for the job
Even for these 10 people, sales jobs are the last resort and, after joining also, they treat the job as staying in a resort.
Sales resources are becoming scarce and costly too,
A mis-hire is not only going to cost you but also on missed opportunities.
In this poor supply of salespeople, could I get some “A” player? Or is it only a dream?
I have some promises for you
It all begins in the interview process
In this 5 minute video, I share some of the insights from world-class sales management experts (not mine) on the best practices of How to hire right sales candidate.
See this video, stay tuned for 5 minutes you will get the best practices insights on How to hire right sales candidate. If you like this, shares this widely in your business network, please
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