I am always curious to understand what the top 2% of successful salespeople are doing differently.
Be it in Business, Actors, Actresses, Sportspeople; my curiosity is relentless, and my reading is endless to understand the magic differentiator
From a scientific perspective, we are all 99.9% the same, DNA-wise.
So, what is that they are doing differently, did they have an extra half-a-kilo brain or their height or weight what makes them distinct, the top 2% in their chosen field?
In my teenage days, I go near successful people, stand next to them, curiously watching them did they have something extra, I smell, touch, even pinched one top personality.
Nothing is different with them. Physically or even at a mental level.
I stopped pinching people and then I moved to a regular Sales job, In my long sales career, I have interacted with thousands of salespeople. My search continued to see what that top 2% of the successful salespeople are doing in my company, any company, or even I checked with my competitors.
So, what does it take to get into the exclusive league of the top 2 %?
I got the secret code; I don’t want to hold it myself. This secret code is reaffirmed and shared with me by my Sales Mentor Keith Rosen, the world-leading Sales Coach, and the best-selling author.
So, here we go!
They are doing 1% better each day.
You are not believing me, can this 1% create a wide gap between an average and the top producers?
Think of the compound effect the financial guys are talking about, a small incremental amount gives you a mind-boggling return over a period. It’s the same math that works out here
The small insignificant activity, compounded over time, will build upon another activity, to the point it has produced a greater measurable result. The only difference, you can reap the benefits daily, not wait till the maturity period.
What if you can do 1% better each day? For a Salesperson, It could be as simple as:
- Asking one more question to a prospect or customer.
- Making one more call or courteous call to a customer to ensure you’re providing exemplary customer service.
- Refining one more step in your sales process and presentations.
- Delivering one more presentation.
- One more skill to develop.
- Scripting and sending one more follow-up email.
- Sending one more SMS or WhatsApp messages
- Looking for one more person to help.
- Engaging in one more social media activity.
- One more coaching conversation.
- One more entry in your CRM.
- One more confirmation, one more Purchase Order
Just one—more—step, that takes you to the top 2%.
How many Sales and business people commit to doing that 1 % extra in your job.
Say YES in the comment section. And tell me whats your 1 % extra you are committing today
Stay Safe! Stay at the Top!
Ramesh. P
Sales Coach
Afternote: Can you do me a favor? My search for the top 2% of salespeople has never ended. Could you refer some of the top 2% from your business? I love to connect with them, I wanted to understand what’s makes them standout performers.
The points from 1-12 courtesy by Keith Rosen: https://keithrosen.com
Yes I agree Ramesh … I Have started interacting more by asking one more question additional from the customer….that helps to get connected with the customer which helps to analyse his mindset on decision making.
Thanks for sharing this valuable knowledge
Thanks Ramesh sir. Such a deep inputs
Yes Ramesh, absolutely correct. When every one gone after the net practice Sachin alone practicing some shots . Some time on the net made him what Sachin differ3nt from the rest..its low of *extrodinay growth* wonderful writing Ramesh, keep inspiring us..
Valuable points to develop the business. ONE step up nice.
Good article Ramesh., I loved reading it, very simple and it makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for keeping us motivated and geared up for a constant sales outlook.
I like your simple writing!
Good information to keep moving further. Thanks for the valuable inputs.